
The Journal of Iranian Cultural Studies

The journal of *Iranian Cultural Studies* is a specialized publication in the field of Iranian cultural studies, published by the House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna. The journal aims to enhance the understanding of its readers about the rich and historical culture and civilization of Iran, while promoting Iranian studies based on sound scientific methodology and logic. Iranian civilization is considered one of the four great human civilizations, alongside those of Egypt, Greece, and China.
The civilization of Iran holds numerous mysteries that, despite centuries of study and exploration, remain undiscovered.
The *Iranian Cultural Studies* journal is divided into several sections: historical studies, cultural studies, philosophy, mysticism, Persian language and literature, cultural heritage, tourism, and contemporary Iran.
Additionally, the journal presents its content in various formats, including articles, notes, interviews, roundtables, book reviews, and news reports.

Each issue of *Iranian Cultural Studies* endeavors to feature at least one special dossier, typically focusing on the thoughts and works of a prominent scholar or cultural figure, a major issue, or a historical event.

Although the journal is published in English, a summary in German is included at the end of each issue. Between two to three issues of this journal are published each year.

The essential features of an article in the Journal:

Here are the essential features an article should possess for publication in a scientific journal:


1. Clear and Focused Research Question

The article should start with a well-defined research question or hypothesis that addresses a specific problem or gap in existing knowledge.


2. Rigorous Methodology

It must detail a sound and reproducible methodology. This includes descriptions of the study design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques, allowing other researchers to replicate the study.


3. Comprehensive Literature Review

A thorough review of relevant literature should be included to provide context, highlight the significance of the research, and show how it fits into existing knowledge.


4. Robust Data Analysis

The article should present data analysis clearly, using appropriate statistical tools and techniques. Results should be reported transparently, including any limitations or potential biases.


5. Significant Results

Findings must be presented clearly and logically. Key results should be highlighted, and their implications for the field discussed.


6. Discussion and Interpretation

The discussion section should interpret the results in the context of the existing literature, explaining their significance, limitations, and possible future directions for research.


7. Proper Citations and References

All sources must be cited accurately, following the journal’s citation style. A comprehensive reference list should be included.


8. Concise and Clear Writing

The writing should be clear, concise, and free of jargon. Complex ideas should be explained in a way that is accessible to the target audience.


9. Adherence to Journal Guidelines

The article must comply with the specific submission guidelines of the target journal, including formatting, length, and structure.


10. Originality and Ethical Considerations

The research should be original, and any ethical considerations (e.g., human subjects, data integrity) must be addressed and approved by relevant ethics committees.


11. Conclusion

A clear conclusion summarizing the key findings and their implications should be included, reinforcing the importance of the research.


By ensuring these features are met, authors can enhance their chances of publication in a scientific journal.

In summary, articles published in journals should present innovation and address one of the priority needs of humanity. Furthermore, these articles must adhere to ethical research standards, steering clear of ideological and political biases, and be completely free from any suspicion of plagiarism.

The House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna is an intellectual, philosophical, and scientific circle without borders, formed through the collaboration of a number of Iranian scholars residing in Austria, along with the support of European (particularly Austrian) scientists and thinkers. Its purpose is to engage in discussions, dialogues, and philosophical and scientific critiques.

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