About Us

The House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna is an intellectual, philosophical, and scientific circle without borders, formed through the collaboration of a number of Iranian scholars residing in Austria, along with the support of European (particularly Austrian) scientists and thinkers. Its purpose is to engage in discussions, dialogues, and philosophical and scientific critiques.

Currently, the head of the House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna is Dr. Reza Gholami. He is a senior lecturer in political philosophy and cultural and civilizational studies and also a faculty member at the Research Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in Tehran.

The House of Wisdom of Iranians holds its meetings and discussions in any venue that is offered to it free of charge, including university halls, cultural centers, libraries, bookstores, and even cafés.

Additionally, the House of wisdom has benefited from the moral and financial support of the Iranian Cultural Representation in Austria, holding its meetings in the Avicenna Hall, which is part of the Iranian Cultural Representation.

A significant portion of the House’s meetings in Vienna are conducted in English and online, allowing for the participation of more professors from around the world in the discussions.

The House of Wisdom of Iranians has no ideological or political affiliations and operates within the framework of wisdom, rationality, fairness, and ethics.

Respecting Austrian laws and values is of great importance to the House of Wisdom of Iranians.

The primary concern of the House of Wisdom of Iranians is the development and deepening of culture and the preservation of human principles in the world.

On this website, news and reports of the House’s activities will be made available in summary or full form for the benefit of interested individuals.

Management Team of Iranian Wisdom House

Director: Dr. Reza Gholami

Currently, the director of Iranian Wisdom House in Vienna is Dr. Reza Gholami.
He is a senior lecturer in political philosophy, cultural, and civilizational studies.
In Iran, he is a faculty member at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.
Now living in Vienna as Iran’s cultural representative.
Reza Gholami describes himself as a moderate and intellectual scholar Muslim.
He dedicates a significant portion of his time in Vienna to philosophical research, alongside delivering lectures in academic circles.

Advisory board:
A number of Iranian and Austrian scholars, whose names will be announced soon.


The House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna is an intellectual, philosophical, and scientific circle without borders, formed through the collaboration of a number of Iranian scholars residing in Austria, along with the support of European (particularly Austrian) scientists and thinkers. Its purpose is to engage in discussions, dialogues, and philosophical and scientific critiques.

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