Iranian Wisdom House in Vienna

Its purpose is to engage in discussions, dialogues, and philosophical and scientific critiques.

wisdom house in vienna

About Us

The House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna is an intellectual, philosophical, and scientific circle without borders, formed through the collaboration of a number of Iranian scholars residing in Austria, along with the support of European (particularly Austrian) scientists and thinkers. Its purpose is to engage in discussions, dialogues, and philosophical and scientific critiques.

The Journal of Iranian Cultural Studies ​

The journal of *Iranian Cultural Studies* is a specialized publication in the field of Iranian cultural studies, published by the House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna. The journal aims to enhance the understanding of its readers about the rich and historical culture and civilization of Iran, while promoting Iranian studies based on sound scientific methodology and logic. Iranian civilization is considered one of the four great human civilizations, alongside those of Egypt, Greece, and China.

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Although the House of Iranian Wisdom in Vienna introduces itself as a knowledge hub for philosophical and scientific dialogue and critique, it should not be mistaken that philosophical and scientific dialogue in its broadest sense includes philosophical, mystical, historical, cultural, civilizational, and social studies. Even the philosophy of art and architecture falls within this epistemic circle.

Iran has had the wisdom of Khusrawi since ancient times, and with the arrival of Islam, it encountered Greek philosophy on a deeper level. Iranian philosophers such as Al-Farabi (known as the second), Suhrawardi, Ibn Sina, and Mulla Sadra made significant contributions to the expansion and development of metaphysical philosophy. Iranian familiarity with modern Western philosophies began in the late 19th century, leading to numerous comparative studies between Islamic-Iranian philosophies and Western philosophies. On the other hand, Austria has also been one of the most important centers of modern philosophy in the world, producing many philosophers, from Karl Popper to Ludwig Wittgenstein and Edmund Husserl. Most importantly, one of the pivotal moments in the history of philosophy and science was the Vienna Circle, which created a scientific pathway. All this indicates that Iran and Austria, each with their distinct worldviews, have led a world of philosophy and it is fitting today for these two realms to share their unique achievements.

Certainly, the growth of philosophy and science is reliant on academic freedom and neutrality, as well as the setting aside of ideological and political biases. The House of Iranian Wisdom is fully committed to scientific freedom and neutrality in its academic activities.

Books, journals, both printed and electronic, as well as podcasts, and generally audio-visual programs are the forms through which the results of the scientific activities of the House of Iranian Wisdom in Vienna are made available to audiences.

The House of Iranian Wisdom has opened its arms for collaboration with all researchers and students, regardless of nationality, religion, or ideological inclination, with the only condition being adherence to scientific ethics.


Client Testimonials

The Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Vienna lacks the introduction and critique of Mulla Sadra’s theories. Mulla Sadra connected Peripatetic and Illuminationist philosophy and created a new philosophical system that I suspect is more practical in application. If you initiate a comparative study between Islamic and Western philosophy, it will be useful for us.
Professor Gholami’s lectures haven't been uploaded on YouTube for a while. Have his lectures been canceled or just not uploaded? I am particularly interested in becoming familiar with the Iranian interpretation of the philosophy of justice.
Reza Hosseini:
The cognitive science conference was a good session; both professors were well-versed. Especially Dr. Ardabili's topics were more aligned with the session’s theme. The moderator also gave a proper introduction and conclusion. However, it would have been much better if the session had been designed around specific issues.

The House of Wisdom of Iranians in Vienna is an intellectual, philosophical, and scientific circle without borders, formed through the collaboration of a number of Iranian scholars residing in Austria, along with the support of European (particularly Austrian) scientists and thinkers. Its purpose is to engage in discussions, dialogues, and philosophical and scientific critiques.

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